Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weight Loss Exercise

Life, unfortunately, doesn't come with instructions. There's no book to explain how to make it from birth to death and everything that falls in between. One of the hardest things you have to deal with every single day is exercise.

You may equate exercise with sweat, pain and tight clothes that announce every unsightly bulge. Maybe you plan on exercising every day but, somehow, never actually get to it. The truth is, exercise doesn't have to hurt and it doesn't have to occur in a health club.

Exercise can happen anywhere: at work when you're walking up and down the stairs or at home while you're walking the dog, cutting the grass or vigorously cleaning out your garage. Once you understand that there are ways to incorporate exercise into your life without even once pulling on anything made of Spandex, you're on your way to a healthier life.

Regular exercise is an important part of effective weight loss. It helps to control your weight by using excess calories that otherwise would be stored as fat. Physical activity also helps prevent many diseases and improve your overall health.

Your weight is determined by the number of calories you eat each day minus what your body uses. Everything you eat contains calories, and everything you do uses calories, including sleeping, breathing, and digesting food. Any physical activity in addition to what you normally do will burn those extra calories.

Balancing the number of calories you expend through exercise and physical activity with the calories you eat will help you achieve your desired weight. The key to successful weight loss and improved overall health is making physical activity a part of your daily routine.
Research consistently shows that regular exercise, combined with healthy eating, is the most efficient and healthful way to control your weight.

Types of Exercise

It does not matter what type of physical activity you perform -- sports, planned exercise, household chores, yard work, or work-related tasks -- all are beneficial.

Over the past few years, exercise advertisements have targeted simplified exercise routines for weight loss and maintenance. Some exercise advertisements sell the belief that one machine will work your entire body and give you the results you need.

However, many of these machines may only be good for one type of conditioning, such as cardiovascular; these machines also have limitations to the type of exercise you can do and they are not good for everyone. To determine the best type of exercise program for you, talk to your doctor and a certified athletic trainer.

How Much Exercise Should I Do?

Studies show that even the most inactive people can gain significant health benefits if they accumulate just 30 minutes or more of exercise or other physical activity per day.
For the greatest overall health benefits, experts suggest 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (see below) most days of the week plus some form of anaerobic exercise (see below) such as muscle strengthening activity and stretching at least two to three times a week.

If you have been inactive for a while, you may want to start with less strenuous activities such as walking or swimming at a comfortable pace. Beginning at a slow pace will allow you to become physically fit without straining your body. Once you are in better shape, you can gradually do more strenuous activity.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is any activity involving large muscles, done for an extended period of time, that makes the heart and lungs work harder. Aerobic exercise can be done for weight loss, but it also provides cardiovascular benefits. Examples of aerobic exercise include walking, biking, jogging, swimming, aerobic classes, and cross-country skiing.

Anaerobic Exercise

Anaerobic exercise usually refers to resistance training, such as lifting weights. Anaerobic exercise is done primarily for increased muscle mass. Weight training is a form of anaerobic exercise.

Moderate-Intensity Activities

Moderate-intensity activities include some of the things you may already be doing during a day or week, such as gardening and housework. These activities can be done in short spurts -- 10 minutes here, 8 minutes there. Alone, each action does not have a great effect on your health, but regularly accumulating 30 minutes of activity over the course of the day can result in substantial health benefits.

To become more active throughout your day, take advantage of any chance to get up and move around. Here are some examples:

· Take a short walk around the block.
· Rake leaves.
· Play actively with the kids.
· Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
· Mow the lawn.
· Take an activity break -- get up and stretch or walk around.
· Park your car a little farther away from your destination and walk the extra distance.

The point is not to make physical activity an unwelcome chore, but to make the most of the opportunities you have to be active.

Becoming more active benefits your health, helps you lose weight and improves your body shape
Start now - make exercise part of your daily routine. At any age, increasing your daily activity, even by a small amount, can make a difference.Our bodies are designed to be active and all activity / exercise will develop and firm the muscles of the body.

Exercise doesn't have to be a chore. Moderate exercise for half an hour 3 to 5 times a week can bring enormous health benefits. Read on to find ways you can become more active, lose that fat and have some fun…


Make a determined effort to walk throughout the day. Get off the bus or train a stop or two before your destination and walk the rest of the way; park your car in the furthest space in the car park; walk up and down stairs (no lifts); walk the children to school; walk to the local corner shop for your newspaper or milk, etc.

15 min moderate walking will burn 52 extra kcal*

Housework Can Do the Trick!

Turn those tiresome chores into healthy positive ones! Turn on the music and clean the windows, hoover, dust and wash up at a brisk pace, and burn off those calories.

15 min hoovering / dusting will burn 38 extra kcal*

Get Out In the Garden

Mowing the lawn, weeding and digging all count.30 min weeding will burn 104 extra kcal*

Clean Your Car

Time you ran your car through the wash? Why not wash it by hand? It's cheaper, better for the environment and a great form of exercise. Put your back into it and you'll get a better result!

30 min moderate car washing will burn 86 extra kcal*

Play Actively With the Kids / Get Some Friends Together

How about heading for the park for some football, rounders, or frisbee throwing. Or dusting off the bike for a leisurely ride?

30 min recreational cycling will burn 90 extra kcal*

Try A Sport

Dip into our try a sport section for more information on a variety of exercise - walking, cycling, swimming, skipping, yoga ... and more.

The important thing is to become active so that your heart is pumping blood at a slightly increased rate and you are burning calories in empowering your muscles! Go for it...

*Based on a 40 year old female of 5’5" tall who weighs 12st 7lb and is moderately sedentary.

Extra calories are those you burn on top of the calories you use for basic day-to-day living. Inputting your exercise into your exercise diary will calculate the number of calories you will burn based on your weight, age, gender and background activity level.

Set Your Goal

To help get you started, decide on a goal and make a workout plan designed to meet this goal. Once you decide upon a plan, remember to keep a log. This keeps you motivated and "on track".

Keeping Motivated

Becoming and staying fit is a lifelong process, so don't become discouraged. Small steps, each day is the key. Also, keep these tips in mind:

  • Exercise with a friend.
  • Mix your regular training with more traditional activities.
  • Keep fitness magazines, books and articles on hand when you have free time.
  • Keep a tight fitting pair of jeans (or any other article of clothing) around. This encourages you to exercise. It also allows you to monitor changes in your weight or body.
  • Plan for bad weather. Have an alternative to your usual outdoor activity.
  • Work out at different times of the day, and then write down how you feel before and after each work out. Discover the best time of day to work out.
  • Combine housework with more strenuous activity. For example, shuffle, squat, jog or dance while cleaning up.
  • Make exercise a priority.
  • Park in the furthest corner of the car park instead of the closest you can find.
  • Take the stairs rather than the lift.
  • Have a walk after lunch or dinner.

Are you interested in beginner a workout program to lose weight and get healthy?

Despite what you may think, losing weight isn't a mysterious process. In fact, weight loss doesn't even have to involve strange diets, special Surgery or even the 'magic' of pills or fitness gadgets. Want the secret to weight loss? Make small changes each and every day and you'll slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds.

To lose one pound, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities.

Instead of....Do this...
Using your break to catch up on work or eat a snackWalk up and down a flight of stairs for 10 minutes (calories burned: 100)
Hitting the snooze buttonGet up 10 minutes early and go for a brisk walk (calories burned: 100)
Watching television after workDo 10 minutes of yoga (calories burned: 50)

Focusing on daily changes is the best way to reach your goals. No, you won't lose weight overnight but isn't it better to permanently change your life for the better? Say it with me: My Health Is More Important Than My Appearance. Repeat that 10 times a day and you're on your way to better health.

Start exercising today to get fit and healthy. Are you ready? Not sure where to start?

Exercise Tips for Beginners #1

Ready, set - goal!You have to want to add exercise to your lifestyle in order to lose weight.
Once you know you want it then you have to set your goal. Setting goals is one of the best exercise tips to help you stay on track.

Your goal should be made up of one large goal and several mini goals.

For instance, your large goal could be to add a 45 minute aerobic exercise 4 times a week and strength training exercises 3 times a week by the end of the year.

This larger goal is what you want to build up to.

Exercise Tips to Lose Weight #2

Find your workout area

Before you start your weight loss workout, take a look at your goal. What type of exercises do you plan to do?

Walking for exercise is a great way to start. Find a place where you can walk. During the summer, this could be your neighborhood, but you may want to find an alternate walking place for when the weather is bad. For instance, is your local gym open after school hours where you could walk around the basketball court?

If you are using a favorite workout DVD, then make sure there’s enough room where your T.V. is located to do all the exercises. Find a local gym where you can use their equipment if you don’t have your own home gym or room for exercise equipment.

Exercise Tips for Losing Weight #3

Get comfortable

Okay, you are off to a great start. You have your goal and your workout area, now it’s time to get comfortable.

I know, you’re asking yourself, what does she mean get comfortable? Exercise is not supposed to be relaxing. You’re right. I don’t mean sit back, relax and get comfortable. What I mean is make sure you will be comfortable during your exercise routine.

So, if you chose walking for exercise, make sure you have walking shoes that will give you the right support. You don’t want to damage any muscles just because you have the incorrect exercise apparel.

Make sure your clothes are comfortable as well. They should stretch with you as you move. Don’t wear tight jeans or ill fitting clothes. You want to stay focused on your exercise and not the fact that your clothes are irritating you.

Exercise Tips for Beginners #4

Start Slow

If you've already read exercise tips 1 - 3, then you now have your goal, your exercise spot and you’re dressed and ready to go, so let’s start exercising.

If this is your first attempt at following a weight loss workout routine, or you haven’t worked out for awhile, then start slow. Don’t follow the “no pain, no gain” mantra. This old phrase is still used today and many still believe that if you don’t feel the pain, you have not exercised at a high enough level.

If you feel some muscle soreness the next day, that’ probably okay. But if you can no longer sit up because you did 100 abdominal exercises the day before, then you probably over did it. In fact, if you over do it, you could be damaging the muscle tissues.

A good exercise tip when strength training is to alternate your muscle groups. Don't work the same muscles two days in a row.

For your aerobic exercises, a good rule of thumb is that you should be able to talk – say a sentence or two – but you should not be able to sing a complete song. If you can still sing, then you need to move it up a notch. If you can’t talk, then slow it down. Make sure you are working within your target heart rate zone.

Exercise Tips to Lose Weight #5

Warm Up - Cool Down - Stretch

Of all the exercise tips, this is the one that is critical and very often ignored. Before starting any workout routine, rather it be walking for exercise, your favorite fitness DVD or abs exercises, make sure to warm up and stretch those muscles. You want to ensure you don’t tear any muscle tissue during your workout.

Your warm up should be approximately 5 minutes. Simply walk or march in place for a few minutes, then maybe lightly skip – warming up those muscles. After this, take some time to stretch out - no I don't mean go lie down - I mean stretch your muscles.

Once you have warmed up, start your workout routine and remember to keep it at the level that’s right for you – not too hard but make it count as well.

Don’t forget to cool down. Your cool down should also be no less than 5 minutes and could be as much as 10 minutes. The cool down process is just as important as the warm up, but for different reasons.Still not convinced you should warm up and cool down? Be sure to read this article on the benefits of warming up and cooling down and why you should not skip these critical steps in your exercise routine.

Exercise Tips for Losing Weight #6

Mix it up

You have now been exercising for a few weeks or even just a few days. Now’s the time to make any adjustments that you may need.

Maybe you started with what you thought would be the best aerobic exercise, like jogging, but you find your knees are not up to the task. Now’s the time to adjust your mini goal and maybe your larger goal. Some experts say that walking is actually better for you (easier on the joints) and if done at a brisk pace, can have the same benefits as jogging.

Did your original goal include using a treadmill and then a home gym? That spare bedroom now a bit crowded and your workout routine now consists of moving heavy exercise equipment? Simplify! You don’t have to have all the latest and greatest equipment to achieve your goal. Try doing resistance band exercises or get some dumbbells to tone and build lean muscle.

Lastly, make it fun. Mix it up to keep it fun. Add something you like doing, like swimming or water aerobics or even gardening.

Even your favorite sport or leisure activity burns calories. Check out this article on Fun Activities and Calories Burned. Maybe you will take up a new activity once you learn how many calories you can burn.

Mix it up, adjust, keep it simple and have fun!

Before You Start Exercising

Before starting any exercise program, be sure to talk with your doctor. He or she can offer suggestions about which type of program would be best for you.


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